Welcome To My Adventure!

Trying to become raw is adventure!

Monday, February 28, 2011


I am so happy to see the sun.  I love the sun!  For lunch and dinner, I had salads.  They were leftover salads.  They were not filling enough though.  I kidda fell off the band wagon.  I had cooked mushrooms, really not cooked but microwaved for a few seconds.  They were left over mushrooms that were a little ice all over them.  I just couldn't plop a bit frozen mushrooms in the salad.  I couldn't so, I popped them in the microwave to take off the frozen bits.  I am trying though.

The kids are sick.  It seems like everyone is sick.  Is it the weather?  I don't know!

Do you believe in love?  What is love?   When you get married and have kids, it is not like it is in the movies.  It is hard work.  Every morning you look at the person, and ask yourself, can we make it?  You change everyday, you change.  Sometimes you change into a person you like and sometime you change into a new person.  I am different.  I didn't marry for love.  I really didn't like him.  I mean it.  He was so different.  I love exercising, he can't stand it.   It is more that, but then as you move along, you see that you have things in common, not much.  It must be that opposites attract!  If that is true, there are more people then me that are going crazy!

My best friend looked at her husband, and said no. She can't stand it anymore.  She is staying with him, but she is so unhappy, but doesn't know what to do now.  Do you just leave?  Or do you stay and just live?  There are no easy answers.  I have been there.  I have looked at him and said hell no, I want out.  He has pulled us together.  I just shake my head and ask myself, "is there life out there".  If I leave, then what?  I am not interesting in getting married again.  I am not looking for someone new.

Have a great day in the sun, think of me and smile.  


It is a rainy day!  I like the rain.  It washes and refreshes you.  On the History Channel, they were talking about the end of time, coming near.  I find that depressing.  Over and over, we are hearing it is almost here, the end of time. 

So, Today, it is a new day.  I like being raw.  I feel alive. I had my banana in the morning.  Last night I had banana ice cream.  I have to take that back, I made banana ice cream and my daughter ate it.  They love the food I make for myself.  If you have not had banana ice cream, take this simple recipe.

Banana Ice Cream

1 fresh banana
2 frozen banana
3 tablespoons raw agave

2 tablespoons raw cocoa powder

Blend and serve.

I have not been able to find the small coconuts yet here.  When I do, I will try the other online recipes.

I love GMAIL.com.  Some of the recipes are really interesting.  I like that they have vegan architecture and new ideas that are happening now.

Today, has just started.  I am ready.  I will write more as the day goes on.

Have a great day!!!!! :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Last night, I went to a resturant, I had the salad bar.  The most important thing is that I made it through it, without giving in.  It was hard to do.  It wasn't just a resturant, where everyone just eats one dish in front of you, of your favorite thing,(NO, It couln't be that easy) it was the buffet.  Everyone that when out with me, ate dish after dish, then the dessert, the endless desserts paraded right in front of me.  I love ice cream, in every form.  When I was a teenager I could eat a gallon a day.  I grew up next to London's Dairy.  My sisters worked there and brought home their "mistakes".  The "mistakes" were delicious. 

If you live in Michigan you know that yesterday the roads were really slippery.  When we were driving home, the car slipped and slidding all over the road.  I said slow down, "I don't want my last meal to me a salad.".  Now, what that means to me, is that I have far to go.  So, I did not let myself down and I did it.  It was hard, really hard, but I did it.

I love myself, I can do this, I will do this!  NO EXCUSES!!!!


My son was sick last night.  I am tired, he was sick all night.  The teacher let the kids play in the wet snow.  If you let kids out in the snow, you must remember that they have to get out of the wet clothes quickly. 

I made it through another day though.  I am still a raw vegan.  I am proud of myself.

I had the fruit in the morning.  I had fruit and nuts throughout the morning.  Then, for dinner a spinach salad.  I found out I like raw mushrooms in the salad, it had a little filling to the meal.

I was reading a raw vegan book.  I forgot the author, but she was talking about vibrations.  All living thing vibrate.

have you ever read the original Lord's Prayer in Jesus's Language.  On one of my hikes through Syria. I found it is Mauula!  The town actually still speaks the langauge and teaches it.  I bought the Lord's Prayer in Arameic.  It would amaze you that the meaning has changed.

ARAMAIC  The language Jesus Christ spoke.

Aramaic tile Aramaic tile

The Prayer To Our Father
(in the original Aramaic)
Thou, from whom the breath of life comes,
who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.

Nethkâdasch schmach
May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.

Têtê malkuthach.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches.

Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d'bwaschmâja af b'arha.
Let Your will come true - in the universe (all that vibrates)
just as on earth (that is material and dense).

Hawvlân lachma d'sûnkanân jaomâna.
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,

Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna
daf chnân schwoken l'chaijabên.

detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma)
like we let go the guilt of others.

Wela tachlân l'nesjuna
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),

ela patzân min bischa.
but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.

Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almîn.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,
the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.

Sealed in trust, faith and truth.
(I confirm with my entire being)

"This, then, is how you should pray:" ~Jesus, Matt 6:9
It has always been of great interest as to the many different interpretations of the various aspects of what is offered as foundational information about Jesus the Nazarene, what he said and taught, and how translations over the centuries have changed dramatically sometimes even altering the original meaning of a particular text.
Aramaic manuscripts have been uncovered over the years which provide us with original source documents that can be fairly well authenticated. Beginning with Constantine around 325 AD, dramatic changes began to be infused into interpretations as texts were translated from Aramaic into Greek and then into Latin. In later years there was then translations into old English, and later, more translations into modern English.
The Aramaic Language doesn't distinguish between means and purpose, inside quality or outside acting. Both are given simultaneously as in "what you've sown, so you'll harvest." When Jesus relates to the "Kingdom of Heaven" he means the Kingdom inside as well as the Kingdom in the middle or "amongst" us. Also "the next one" is inside and outside as in the whole or Self. The arbitrary borders between spirit, body and soul are nonexistent.
The Aramaic Language has (like the Hebrew and Arabic) different levels of meaning. The words are organized and defined by a poetical system where different meanings of every word are possible. So, every line of the Lords Prayer could be translated into English in many different versions. As an example of how the intent of a passage can be changed, here are some translations of the Lord's Prayer directly translated from the ancient Aramaic language into modern English.

I find it interesting that the raw way goes along with this belief.  Does that mean I am on the right track?  I think I am!  I have a far way to go, but I am getting there.

You are amazing!  I mean that.  Everyone on the planet are incrediable!  You have capabilities that you don't even know yet.

Live!!!!!!! Thrive!!!!! Grow!!!!!    No excuses!!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Today, is day three it is a little hard.  The kids are home from school.  So, they are eating the whole day.  They had blueberry pancakes in the morning.  They have been snacking on all my favorites.

I had plain blueberries.  I snacked on fruit; banana, and oranges.  I had little nuts and dried berries.

The day is not over, wish me luck. 

Let me take you to another interesting site.

I love this one.  Mauula, in Syria.

This place is wonderful.  It is where St Thecla lived.

If you don't know here read this:
According to a popular second century tale, Acts of Paul and Thecla, she was a native of Iconomium who was so impressed by the preaching of St. Paul on virginity that she broke off her engagement to marry Thamyris to live a life of virginity. Paul was ordered to be scourged and banished from the city for his teaching, and Thecla was ordered burned to death. When a storm providentially extinguished the flames, she escaped with Paul and went with him to Antioch. There she was condemned to wild beasts in the arena when she violently resisted the attempt of Syriarch Alexander to kidnap her, but again escaped when the beasts did no harm to her. She rejoined Paul at Myra in Lycia, dressed as a boy, and was commissioned by him to preach the Gospel. She did for a time in Iconium and then became a recluse in a cave at Meriamlik near Seleucia. She lived as a hermitess there for the next seventy-two years and died there (or in Rome, where she was miraculously transported when she found that Paul had died and was later buried near his tomb). The tale had tremendous popularity in the early Church but is undoubtedly a pious fiction and was labeled apocryphal by St. Jerome. Her feast day is September 23.
 This document is in the public domain. Copying it is encouraged.
                        translated by Jeremiah Jones, (1693 - 1724)


Tertullian says that this piece was forged by a Presbyter of Asia, who being convicted, "confessed that he did it out of respect of Paul," and Pope Gelasius, in his Decree against apocryphal books, inserted it among them. Notwithstanding this, a large part of the history was credited, and looked upon as genuine among the primitive Christians. Cyprian, Eusebius, Epiphanius, Austin [Augustine], Gregory Nazianzen, Chrysostom, and Severus Sulpitius, who all lived within the fourth century, mention Thecla, or refer to her history. Basil of Seleucia wrote her acts, sufferings, and victories, in verse; and Euagrius Scholasticus, an ecclesiastical historian, about 590, relates that "after the Emperor Zeno had abdicated his empire, and Basilik had taken possession of it, he had a vision of the holy and excellent martyr Thecla, who promised him the restoration of his empire; for which, when it was brought about, he erected and dedicated a most noble and sumptuous temple to this famous martyr Thecla, at Seleucia, a city of Isauria, and bestowed upon it very noble endowments, which (says the author) are preserved even to this day." (Hist. Eccl., IIb. 3, cap. 8)
Cardinal Baronius, Locrinus, Archbishop Wake, and others, and also the learned Grabe, who edited the Septuagint, and revived the Acts of Paul and Thecla, consider them as having been written in the Apostolic age; as containing nothing superstitious, or disagreeing from the opinions and belief of those times; and, in short, as genuine and authentic history. Again, it is said, that this is not the original book of the early Christians; but however that may be, it is published from the Greek MS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, which Dr. Mills copied and transmitted to Dr. Grabe.


The skepticism mentioned in the previous sentence has been partly occasioned by the rather extreme praise of celibacy found in "The Acts of Paul and Thecla", language often associated with certain Gnostic groups. It is certainly possible that the present form of the text reflects the preferences or even the insertions of Gnostic editors; it is also possible that Orthodox editors toned down a text which was even more extreme. The only passages which explicitly condemn marriage (the Encratite heresy) are 2:16 and 4:2, and it will be noted that the speaker is not Paul himself but his accuser attributing this view to the Apostle.
In any case, the tradition of the Church is that the life of St. Thecla followed the course described in her acts, whether or not every word attributed to St. Paul was accurately recorded. The physical description of Paul in 1:7 is very famous, and in agreement with iconographic tradition.
--N. Redington



1:1 When Paul went up to Iconium, after his flight from Antioch, Demas and Hermogenes

Tertullian says that this piece was forged by a Presbyter of Asia, who being convicted, "confessed that he did it out of respect of Paul," and Pope Gelasius, in his Decree against apocryphal books, inserted it among them. Notwithstanding this, a large part of the history was credited, and looked upon as genuine among the primitive Christians. Cyprian, Eusebius, Epiphanius, Austin [Augustine], Gregory Nazianzen, Chrysostom, and Severus Sulpitius, who all lived within the fourth century, mention Thecla, or refer to her history. Basil of Seleucia wrote her acts, sufferings, and victories, in verse; and Euagrius Scholasticus, an ecclesiastical historian, about 590, relates that "after the Emperor Zeno had abdicated his empire, and Basilik had taken possession of it, he had a vision of the holy and excellent martyr Thecla, who promised him the restoration of his empire; for which, when it was brought about, he erected and dedicated a most noble and sumptuous temple to this famous martyr Thecla, at Seleucia, a city of Isauria, and bestowed upon it very noble endowments, which (says the author) are preserved even to this day." (Hist. Eccl., IIb. 3, cap. 8)
Cardinal Baronius, Locrinus, Archbishop Wake, and others, and also the learned Grabe, who edited the Septuagint, and revived the Acts of Paul and Thecla, consider them as having been written in the Apostolic age; as containing nothing superstitious, or disagreeing from the opinions and belief of those times; and, in short, as genuine and authentic history. Again, it is said, that this is not the original book of the early Christians; but however that may be, it is published from the Greek MS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, which Dr. Mills copied and transmitted to Dr. Grabe.


The skepticism mentioned in the previous sentence has been partly occasioned by the rather extreme praise of celibacy found in "The Acts of Paul and Thecla", language often associated with certain Gnostic groups. It is certainly passages which explicitly condemn marriage (



1:1 When Paul went up to Iconium, after his flight from Antioch, Demas and Hermogenes became his companions, who were then full of hypocrisy.
1:2 But Paul looking only at the goodness of God, did them no harm, but loved them greatly.
1:3 Accordingly he endeavoured to make agreeable to them all the oracles and doctrines of Christ, and the design of the Gospel of God's well-beloved Son, instructing them in the knowledge of Christ, as it was revealed to him.
1:4 And a certain man named Onesiphorus, hearing that Paul was come to Iconium, went out speedily to meet him, together with his wife Lectra, and his sons Simmia and Xeno, to invite him to their house.
1:5 For Titus had given them a description of Paul's personage, they as yet not knowing him in person, but only being acquainted with his character.
1:6 They went in the king's highway to Lystra, and stood there waiting for him, comparing all who passed by, with that description which Titus had given them.
1:7 At length they saw a man coming (namely Paul), of a low stature, bald (or shaved) on the head, crooked thighs, handsome legs, hollow-eyed; had a crooked nose; full of grace; for sometimes he appeared as a man, sometimes he had the countenance of an angel. And Paul saw Onesiphorus, and was glad.
1:8 And Onesiphorus said: Hail, thou servant of the blessed God. Paul replied, The grace of God be with thee and thy family.
1:9 But Demas and Hermogenes were moved with envy, and, under a show of great religion, Demas said, And are not we also servants of the blessed God? Why didst thou not salute us?
1:10 Onesiphorus replied, Because I have not perceived in you the fruits of righteousness; nevertheless, if ye are of that sort, ye shall be welcome to my house also.
1:11 Then Paul went into the house of Onesiphorus, and here was great joy among the family on that account: and they employed themselves in prayer, breaking of bread, and hearing Paul preach the word of God concerning the temperance and the resurrection, in the following manner:
1:12 Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.
1:13 Blessed are they who keep their flesh undefiled (or pure); for they shall be the temple of God.
1:14 Blessed are the temperate (or chaste); for God will reveal himself to them.
1:15 Blessed are they who abandon their secular enjoyments; for they shall be accepted of God.
1:16 Blessed are they who have wives, as though they had them not; for they shall be made angels of God.
1:17 Blessed are they who tremble at the word of God; for they shall be comforted.
1:18 Blessed are they who keep their baptism pure; for they shall find peace with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
1:19 Blessed are they who pursue the wisdom (or doctrine) of Jesus Christ; for they shall be called the sons of the Most High.
1:20 Blessed are they who observe the instructions of Jesus Christ; for they shall dwell in eternal light.
1:21 Blessed are they, who for the love of Christ abandon the glories of the world; for they shall judge angels, and be placed at the right hand of Christ, and shall not suffer the bitterness of the last judgment.
1:22 Blessed are the bodies and souls of virgins; for they are acceptable to God, and shall not lose the reward of their virginity; for the word of their (heavenly) Father shall prove effectual to their salvation in the day of his Son, and they shall enjoy rest for evermore.


2:1 While Paul was preaching this sermon in the church which was in the house of Onesiphorus, a certain virgin, named Thecla (whose mother's name was Theoclia, and who was betrothed to a man named Thamyris) sat at a certain window in her house.
2:2 From whence, by the advantage of a window in the house where Paul was, she both night and day heard Paul's sermons concerning God, concerning charity, concerning faith in Christ, and concerning prayer;
2:3 Nor would she depart from the window, till with exceeding joy she was subdued to the doctrines of faith.
2:4 At length, when she saw many women and virgins going in to Paul, she earnestly desired that she might be thought worthy to appear in his presence, and hear the word of Christ; for she had not yet seen Paul's person, but only heard his sermons, and that alone.
2:5 But when she would not be prevailed upon to depart from the window, her mother sent to Thamyris, who came with the greatest pleasure, as hoping now to marry her. Accordingly he said to Theoclia, Where is my Thecla?
2:6 Theoclia replied, Thamyris, I have something very strange to tell you; for Thecla, for the space of three days, will not move from the window not so much as to eat or drink, but is so intent on hearing the artful and delusive discourses of a certain foreigner, that I perfectly admire, Thamyris, that a young woman of her known modesty, will suffer herself to be so prevailed upon.
2:7 For that man has disturbed the whole city of Iconium, and even your Thecla, among others. All the women and young men flock to him to receive his doctrine; who, besides all the rest, tells them that there is but one God, who alone is to be worshipped, and that we ought to live in chastity.
2:8 Notwithstanding this, my daughter Thecla, like a spider's web fastened to the window, is captivated by the discourses of Paul, and attends upon them with prodigious eagerness, and vast delight; and thus, by attending on what he says, the young woman is seduced. Now then do you go, and speak to her, for she is betrothed to you.
2:9 Accordingly Thamyris went, and having saluted her, and taking care not to surprise her, he said, Thecla, my spouse, why sittest thou in this melancholy posture? What strange impressions are made upon thee? Turn to Thamyris, and blush.
2:10 Her mother also spake to her after the same manner, and said, Child, why dost thou sit so melancholy, and, like one astonished, makest no reply?
2:11 Then they wept exceedingly: Thamyris, that he had lost his spouse; Theoclia, that she had lost her daughter; and the maids, that they had lost their mistress; and there was an universal mourning in the family.
2:12 But all these things made no impression upon Thecla, so as to incline her so much as to turn to them, and take notice of them; for she still regarded the discourses of Paul.
2:13 Then Thamyris ran forth into the street to observe who they were who went into Paul, and came out from him; and he saw two men engaged in a very warm dispute, and said to them;
2:14 Sirs, what business have you here? and who is that man within, belonging to you, who deludes the minds of men, both young men and virgins, persuading them, that they ought not to marry, but continue as they are?
2:15 I promise to give you a considerable sum, if you will give me a just account of him; for I am the chief person of this city.
2:16 Demas and Hermogenes replied, We cannot so exactly tell who he is; but this we know, that he deprives young men of their (intended) wives, and virgins of their (intended) husbands, by teaching, There can be no future resurrection, unless ye continue in chastity, and do not defile your flesh.


3:1 Then said Thamyris, Come along with me to my house, and refresh yourselves. So they went to a very splendid entertainment, where there was wine in abundance, and very rich provision.
3:2 They were brought to a table richly spread, and made to drink plentifully by Thamyris, on account of the love he had for Thecla and his desire to marry her.
3:3 Then Thamyris said, I desire ye would inform me what the doctrines of this Paul are, that I may understand them; for I am under no small concern about Thecla, seeing she so delights in that stranger's discourses, that I am in danger of losing my intended wife.
3:4 Then Demas and Hermogenes answered both together, and said, Let him be brought before the governor Castillius, as one who endeavours to persuade the people into the new religion of the Christians, and he, according to the order of Caesar, will put him to death, by which means you will obtain your wife;
3:5 While we at the same time will teach her, that the resurrection which he speaks of is already come, and consists in our having children; and that we then arose again, when we came to the knowledge of God.
3:6 Thamyris having this account from them, was filled with hot resentment:
3:7 And rising early in the morning he went to the house of Onesiphorus, attended by the magistrates, the jailer, and a great multitude of people with staves, and said to Paul;
3:8 Thou hast perverted the city of Iconium, and among the rest, Thecla, who is betrothed to me, so that now she will not marry me. Thou shalt therefore go with us to the governor Castillius.
3:9 And all the multitude cried out, Away with this imposter (magician), for he has perverted the minds of our wives, and all the people hearken to him.


4:1 Then Thamyris standing before the governor's judgment-seat, spake with a loud voice in the following manner.
4:2 O governor, I know not whence this man cometh; but he is one who teaches that matrimony is unlawful. Command him therefore to declare before you for what reason he publishes such doctrines.
4:3 While he was saying thus, Demas and Hermogenes (whispered to Thamyris, and) said; Say that he is a Christian, and he will presently be put to death.
4:4 But the governor was more deliberate, and calling to Paul, he said, Who art thou? What dost thou teach? They seem to lay gross crimes to thy charge.
4:5 Paul then spake with a loud voice, saying, As I am now called to give an account, O governor, of my doctrines, I desire your audience.
4:6 That God, who is a God of vengeance, and who stands in need of nothing but the salvation of his creatures, has sent me to reclaim them from their wickedness and corruptions, from all (sinful) pleasures, and from death; and to persuade them to sin no more.
4:7 On this account, God sent his Son Jesus Christ, whom I preach, and in whom I instruct men to place their hopes as that person who only had such compassion on the deluded world, that it might not, O governor, be condemned, but have faith, the fear of God, the knowledge of religion, and the love of truth.
4:8 So that if I only teach those things which I have received by revelation from God, where is my crime?
4:9 When the governor heard this, he ordered Paul to be bound, and to be put in prison, till he should be more at leisure to hear him more fully.
4:10 But in the night, THecla taking off her earrings, gave them to the turnkey of the prison, who then opened the doors to her, and let her in;
4:11 And when she made a present of a silver looking-glass to the jailer, was allowed to go into the room where Paul was; then she sat down at his feet, and heard from him the great things of God.
4:12 And as she perceived Paul not to be afraid of suffering, but that by divine assistance he behaved himself with courage, her faith so far increased that she kissed his chains.


5:1 At length Thecla was missed, and sought for by the family and by Thamyris in every street, as though she had been lost, but one of the porter's fellow-servants told them, that she had gone out in the night-time.
5:2 Then they examined the porter, and he told them, that she was gone to the prison to the strange man.
5:3 They went therefore according to his direction, and there found her; and when they came out, they got a mob together, and went and told the governor all that happened.
5:4 Upon which he ordered Paul to be brought before his judgement seat.
5:5 Thecla in the mean time lay wallowing on the ground in the prison, in that same place where Paul had sat to teach her; upon which the governor also ordered her to be brought before his judgement-seat; which summons she received with joy, and went.
5:6 When Paul was brought thither, the mob with more vehemence cried out, He is a magician, let him die.
5:7 Nevertheless the governor attended with pleasure upon Paul's discourses of the holy works of Christ; and, after a council called, he summoned Thecla, and said to her, Why do you not, according to the law of the Iconians, marry Thamyris?
5:8 She stood still, with her eyes fixed upon Paul; and finding she made no reply, Theoclia, her mother, cried out, saying, Let the unjust creature be burnt; let her be burnt in the midst of the theatre, for refusing Thamyris, that all women may learn from her to avoid such practices.
5:9 Then the governor was exceedingly concerned, and ordered Paul to be whipt out of the city, and Thecla to be burnt.
5:10 So the governor arose, and went immediately into the theatre; and all the people went forth to see the dismal sight.
5:11 But Thecla, just as a lamb in the wilderness looks every way to see his shepherd, looked around for Paul;
5:12 And as she was looking upon the multitude, she saw the Lord Jesus in the likeness of Paul, and said to herself, Paul is come to see me in my distressed circumstances. And she fixed her eyes upon him; but he instantly ascended up to heaven, while she looked on him.
5:13 The the young men and women brought wood and straw for the burning of Thecla; who, being brought naked to the stake, extorted tears from the governor, with surprise beholding the greatness of her beauty.
5:14 And when they had placed the wood in order, the people commanded her to go upon it; which she did, first making the sign of the cross.
5:15 Then the people set fire to the pile; though the flame was exceeding large, it did not touch her, for God took compassion on her, and caused a great eruption from the earth beneath, and a cloud from above to pour down great quantities of rain and hail;
5:16 Insomuch that by the rupture of the earth, very many were in great danger, and some were killed, the fire was extinguished, and Thecla was preserved.


6:1 In the mean time Paul, together with Onesiphorus, his wife and children, was keeping a fast in a certain cave, which was in the road from Iconium to Daphne.
6:2 And when they had fasted for several days, the children said to Paul, Father, we are hungry, and have not wherewithal to buy bread ; for Onesiphorus had left all his substance to follow Paul with his family.
6:3 Then Paul, taking off his coat, said to the boy, Go, child, and buy bread, and bring it hither.
6:4 But while the boy was buying the bread, he saw his neighbour Thecla and was surprised, and said to her, Thecla, where are you going?
6:5 She replied, I am in pursuit of Paul, having been delivered from the flames.
6:6 The boy then said, I will bring you to him, for he is under great concern on your account, and has been in prayer and fasting these six days.
6:7 When Thecla came to the cave, she found Paul upon his knees praying and saying, O holy Father, O Lord Jesus Christ, grant that the fire may not touch Thecla; but be her helper, for she is thy servant.
6:8 Thecla then standing behind him, cried out in the following words: O sovereign Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, the Father of thy beloved and holy Son, I praise thee that thou hast preserved me from the fire, to see Paul again.
6:9 Paul then arose, and when he saw her, said, O God, who searchest the heart, Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, I praise thee that thou has answered my prayer.
6:10 And there prevailed among them in the cave an entire affection to each other; Paul, Onesiphorus and all that were with them being filled with joy.
6:11 They had five loaves, some herbs and water, and they solaced each other in reflections upon the holy works of Christ.
6:12 Then said Thecla to Paul, If you be pleased with it, I will follow you withersoever you go.
6:13 He replied to her, Persons are now much given to fornication, and you being handsome, I am afraid lest you should meet with greater temptation than the former, and should not withstand, but be overcome by it.
6:14 Thecla replied, Grant me only the seal of Christ, and no temptation shall affect me.
6:15 Paul answered, Thecla, wait with patience, and you shall receive the gift of Christ.


7:1 Then Paul sent back Onesiphorus and his family to their own home, and taking Thecla along with him, went for Antioch;
7:2 And as soon as they came into the city, a certain Syrian, named Alexander, a magistrate, in the city, who had done many considerable services for the city during his magistracy, saw Thecla and fell in love with her, and endeavoured by many rich presents to engage Paul in his interest.
7:3 But Paul told him, I know not the woman of whom you speak, nor does she belong to me.
7:4 But he being a person of great power in Antioch, seized her in the street and kissed her; which Thecla would not bear, but looking about for Paul, cried out in a distressed loud tone, Force me not, who am a stranger; force me not, who am a servant of God; I am one of the principal persons of Iconium, and was obliged to leave that city because I would not be married to Thamyris.
7:5 Then she laid hold on Alexander, tore his coat, and took his crown off his head, and made him appear ridiculous before all the people.
7:6 But Alexander, partly as he loved her, and partly being ashamed of what had been done, led her to the governor, and upon her confession of what she had done, he condemned her to be thrown among the beasts.


8:1 Which when the people saw, they said: The judgments passed in this city are unjust. But Thecla desired the favour of the governor, that her chastity might not be attacked, but preserved till she should be cast to the beasts.
8:2 The governor then inquired, Who would entertain her; upon which a certain very rich widow, named Trifina, whose daughter was lately dead, desired that she might have the keeping of her; and she began to treat her in her house as her own daughter.
8:3 At length a day came, when the beasts were to be brought forth to be seen; and Thecla was brought to the amphitheatre, and put into a den in which was an exceeding fierce she-lion, in the presence of a multitude of spectators.
8:4 Trifina, without any surprise, accompanied Thecla, and the she-lion licked the feet of Thecla. The title written which denotes her crime was: Sacrilege. Then the woman cried out, O God, the judgments of this city are unrighteous.
8:5 After the beasts had been shewn, Trifina took Thecla home with her, and they went to bed; and behold, the daughter of Trifina, who was dead, appeared to her mother, and said; Mother, let the young woman, Thecla, be reputed by you as your daughter in my stead; and desire her that she should pray for me, that I may be translated to a state of happiness.
8:6 Upon which Trifina, with a mournful air, said, My daughter Falconilla has appeared to me, and ordered me to receive you in her room; wherefore I desire, Thecla, that you would pray for my daughter, that she may be translated into a state of happiness, and to life eternal.
8:7 When Thecla heard this, she immediately prayed to the Lord, and said: O Lord God of heaven and earth, Jesus Christ, thou Son of the Most High, grant that her daughter Falconilla may live forever. Trifina hearing this groaned again, and said: O unrighteous judgments! O unreasonable wickedness! that such a creature should (again) be cast to the beasts!
8:8 On the morrow, at break of day, Alexander came to Trifina's house, and said: The governor and the people are waiting; bring the criminal forth.
8:9 But Trifina ran in so violently upon him, that he was affrighted, and ran away. Trifina was one of the royal family; and she thus expressed her sorrow, and said; Alas! I have trouble in my house on two accounts, and there is no one who will relieve me, either under the loss of my daughter, or my being able to save Thecla. But now, O Lord God, be thou the helper of Thecla thy servant.
8:10 While she was thus engaged, the governor sent one of his own officers to bring Thecla. Trifina took her by the hand, and, going with her, said: I went with Falconilla to her grave, and now must go with Thecla to the beasts.
8:11 When Thecla heard this, she weeping prayed, and said: O Lord God, whom I have made my confidence and refuge, reward Trifina for her compassion to me, and preserving my chastity.
8:12 Upon this there was a great noise in the amphitheatre; the beasts roared, and the people cried out, Bring in the criminal.
8:13 But the woman cried out, and said: Let the whole city suffer for such crimes; and order all of us, O governor, to the same punishment. O unjust judgment! O cruel sight!
8:14 Others said, Let the whole city be destroyed for this vile action. Kill us all, O governor. O cruel sight! O unrighteous judgment.


9:1 Then Thecla was taken out of the hand of Trifina, stripped naked, had a girdle put on, and thrown into the place appointed for fighting with the beasts: and the lions and the bears were let loose upon her.
9:2 But a she-lion, which was of all the most fierce, ran to Thecla, and fell down at her feet. Upon which the multitude of women shouted aloud.
9:3 Then a she-bear ran fiercely towards her; but the she-lion met the bear, and tore it to pieces.
9:4 Again, a he-lion, who had been wont to devour men, and which belonged to Alexander, ran towards her; but the she-lion encountered the he-lion, and they killed each other.
9:5 Then the women were under a greater concern, because the she-lion, which had helped Thecla, was dead.
9:6 Afterwards they brought out many other wild beasts; but Thecla stood with her hands stretched towards heaven, and prayed; and when she had done praying, she turned about, and saw a pit of water, and said, Now it is a proper time for me to be baptized.
9:7 Accordingly she threw herself into the water, and said, In thy name, O my Lord Jesus Christ, I am this last day baptized. The women and the people seeing this, cried out, and said, Do not throw yourself into the water. And the governor himself cried out, to think that the fish (sea-calves) were like to devour so much beauty.
9:8 Notwithstanding all this, Thecla threw herself into the water, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9:9 But the fish (sea-calves,) when they saw the lighting and fire, were killed, and swam dead upon the surface of the water, and a cloud of fire surrounded Thecla, so that as the beasts could not come near her, so the people could not see her nakedness.
9:10 Yet they turned other wild beasts upon her; upon which they made a very mournful outcry; and some of them scattered spikenard, others cassia, other amomus [a sort of spikenard, or the herb of Jerusalem, or ladies-rose], others ointment; so that the quantity of ointment was large, in proportion to the number of people; and upon this all the beasts lay as though they had been fast asleep, and did not touch Thecla.
9:11 Whereupon Alexander said to the Governor, I have some very terrible bulls; let us bind her to them. To which the governor, with concern, replied, You may do what you think fit.
9:12 Then they put a cord round Thecla's waist, which bound also her feet, and with it tied her to the bulls, to whose privy-parts they applied red-hot irons, that so they being the more tormented, might more violently drag Thecla about, till they had killed her.
9:13 The bulls accordingly tore about, making a most hideous noise, but the flame which was about Thecla, burnt off the cords which were fastened to the members of the bulls, and she stood in the middle of the stage, as unconcerned as if she had not been bound.
9:14 But in the mean time Trifina, who sat upon one of the benches, fainted away and died; upon which the whole city was under a very great concern.
9:15 And Alexander himself was afraid, and desired the governor, saying: I entreat you, take compassion on me and the city, and release this woman, who has fought with the beasts; lest, both you and I, and the whole city be destroyed:
9:16 For if Caesar should have any account of what has passed now, he will certainly immediately destroy the city, because Trifina, a person of royal extract, and a relation of his, is dead upon her seat.
9:17 Upon this the governor called Thecla from among the beasts to him, and said to her, Who art thou? and what are thy circumstances, that not one of the beasts will touch thee?
9:18 Thecla replied to him; I am a servant of the living God; and as to my state, I am a believer on Jesus Christ his Son, in whom God is well pleased; and for that reason none of the beasts could touch me.
9:19 He alone is the way to eternal salvation, and the foundation of eternal life. He is a refuge to those who are in distress; a support to the afflicted, hope and defence to those who are hopeless; and, in a word, all those who do not believe on him, shall not live, but suffer eternal death.
9:20 When the governor heard these things, he ordered her clothes to be brought, and said to her put on your clothes.
9:21 Thecla replied: May that God who clothed me when I was naked among the beasts, in the day of judgment clothe your soul with the robe of salvation. Then she took her clothes, and put them on; and the governor immediately published an order in these words; I release to you Thecla the servant of God.
9:22 Upon which the women cried out together with a loud voice, and with one accord gave praise unto God, and said: There is but one God, who is the God of Thecla; the one God who hath delivered Thecla.
9:23 So loud were their voices that the whole city seemed to be shaken; and Trifina herself heard the glad tidings, and arose again, and ran with the multitude to meet Thecla; and embracing her, said: Now I believe there shall be a resurrection of the dead; now I am persuaded that my daughter is alive. Come therefore home with me, my daughter Thecla, and I will make over all that I have to you.
9:24 So Thecla went with Trifina, and was entertained there a few days, teaching her the word of the Lord, whereby many young women were converted; and there was great joy in the family of Trifina.
9:25 But Thecla longed to see Paul, and inquired and sent everywhere to find him; and when at length she was informed that he was at Myra, in Lycia, she took with her many young men and women; and putting on a girdle, and dressing herself in the habit of a man, she went to him in Myra in Lycia, and there found Paul preaching the word of God; and she stood by him among the throng.


10:1 But it was no small surprise to Paul when he saw her and the people with her; for he imagined some fresh trial was coming upon them;
10:2 Which when Thecla perceived, she said to him: I have been baptized, O Paul; for he who assists you in preaching has assisted me to baptize.
10:3 Then Paul took her, and led her to the house of Hermes; and Thecla related to Paul all that had befallen her in Antioch, insomuch that Paul exceedingly wondered, and all who heard were confirmed in the faith, and prayed for Trifina's happiness.
10:4 Then Thecla arose, and said to Paul, I am going to Iconium. Paul replied to her: Go, and teach the word of the Lord.
10:5 But Trifina had sent large sums of money to Paul, and also clothing by the hands of Thecla, for the relief of the poor.
10:6 So Thecla went to Iconium. And when she came to the house of Onesiphorus, she fell down upon the floor where Paul had sat and preached, and mixing her tears with her prayers, she praised and glorified God in the follwing words:
10:7 O Lord the God of this house, in which I was first enlightened by thee; O Jesus, son of the living God, who wast my helper before the governor, my helper in the fire, and my helper among the beasts; thou alone art God forever and ever. Amen.
10:8 Thecla now (on her return) found Thamyris dead, but her mother living. So calling her mother, she said to her: Theoclia, my mother, is it possible for you to be brought to a belief, that there is but one Lord God, who dwells in the heavens? If yo desire great riches, God will give them to you by me; if you want your daughter again, here I am.
10:9 These and many other things she represented to her mother, [endeavouring] to persuade her [to her opinion]. But her mother Theoclia gave no credit to the things which were said by the martyr Thecla.
10:10 So that Thecla perceiving she discoursed to no purpose, signing her whole body with the sign [of the cross], left the house and went to Daphine; and when she came there, she went to the cave, where she had found Paul with Onesiphorus, and fell down on the ground; and wept before God.
10:11 When she departed thence, she went to Seleucia, and enlightened many in the knowledge of Christ.
10:12 And a bright cloud conducted her in her journey.
10:13 And after she had arrived at Seleucia she went to a place out of the city, about the distance of a furlong, being afraid of the inhabitants, because they were worshippers of idols.
10:14 And she was led [by the cloud] into a mountain called Calamon, or Rodeon. There she abode many years, and underwent a great many grievous temptations of the devil, which she bore in a becoming manner, by the assistance which she had from Christ.
10:15 At length, certain gentlewomen hearing of the virgin Thecla, went to her, and were instructed by her in the oracles of God, and many of them abandoned this world, and led a monastic life with her.
10:16 Hereby a good report was spread everywhere of Thecla, and she wrought several [miraculous] cures, so that all the city and adjacent countries brought their sick to that mountain, and before they came as far as the door of the cave, they were instantly cured of whatsoever distemper they had.
10:17 The unclean spirits were cast out, making a noise; all received their sick made whole, and glorified God, who had bestowed such power on the virgin Thecla;
10:18 Insomuch that the physicians of Seleucia were now of no more account, and lost all the profit of their trade, because no one regarded them; upon which they were filled with envy, and began to contrive what methods to take with this servant of Christ.


11:1 The devil then suggested bad advice to their minds; and being on a certain day met together to consult, they reasoned among each other thus: The virgin is a priestess of the great goddess Diana, and whatsoever she requests from her, is granted, because she is a virgin, and so is beloved by all the gods.
11:2 Now then let us procure some rakish fellows, and after we have made them sufficiently drunk, and given them a good sum of money, let us order them to go and debauch this virgin, promising them, if they do it, a larger reward.
11:3 (For they thus concluded among themselves, that if they be able to debauch her, the gods will no more regard her, nor Diana cure the sick for her.)
11:4 They proceeded according to this resolution, and the fellows went to the mountain, and as fierce as lions to the cave, knocking at the door.
11:5 The holy martyr Thecla, relying upon the God in whom she believed, opened the door, although she was before apprized of their design, and said to them, Young men, what is your business?
11:6 They replied, Is there any one within, whose name is Thecla? She answered, What would you have with her? They said, We have a mind to lie with her.
11:7 The blessed Thecla answered: Though I am a mean old woman, I am the servant of my Lord Jesus Christ; and though you have a vile design against me, ye shall not be able to accomplish it. They replied: It is impossible but we must be able to do with you what we have a mind.
11:8 And while they were saying this, they laid hold on her by main force, and would have ravished her. Then she with the (greatest) mildness said to them: Young men have patience, and see the glory of the Lord.
11:9 And while they held her, she looked up to heaven and said; O God most reverend to whom none can be likened; who makest thyself glorious over thine enemies; who didst deliver me from the fire, and didst not give me up to Thamyris, didst not give me up to Alexander; who deliveredst me from the wild beasts; who didst preserve me in the deep waters; who hast everywhere been my helper, and hast glorified thy name in me;
11:10 Now also deliver me from the hands of these wicked and unreasonable men, nor suffer them to debauch my chastity which I have hitherto preserved for thy honour; for I love thee and long for thee, and worship thee, O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for evermore. Amen.
11:11 Then came a voice from heaven, saying, Fear not, Thecla, my faithful servant, for I am with thee. Look and see the place which is opened for thee: there thy eternal abode shall be; there thou shalt receive the beatific vision.
11:12 The blessed Thecla observing, saw the rock opened to as large a degree as that a man might enter in; she did as she was commanded, bravely fled from the vile crew, and went into the rock, which instantly so closed, that there was not any crack visible where it had opened.
11:13 The men stood perfectly astonished at so prodigious a miracle, and had no power to detain the servant of God; but only, catching hold of her veil, or hood, they tore off a piece of it;
11:14 And even that was by the permission of God, for the confirmation of their faith who should come to see this venerable place, and to convey blessings to those in succeeding ages, who should believe on our Lord Jesus Christ from a pure heart.
11:15 Thus suffered that first martyr and apostle of God, and virgin, Thecla; who came from Iconium at eighteen years of age; afterwards, partly in journeys and travels, and partly in a monastic life in the cave, she lived seventy-two years; so that she was ninety years old when the Lord translated her.
11:16 Thus ends her life.
11:17 The day which is kept sacred to her memory, is the twenty-fourth of September, to the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, now and for evermore. Amen.
The St. Pachomius Orthodox Library, September/October 1995.
Have mercy, O Lord, upon Thy servants the Archbishop William, Jeremiah, and William; upon the scribes Tony, Mark, Andrew, Iain, Habil, Alifa, Pauline, and David; and upon Thy servants Thekla and Abraham.
               THE END, AND TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Maaloula, Syria

Maaloula is one of the most scenic villages in Syria and is of particular interest as the only place in the world where Aramaic; the language spoken by Christ (pbuh) is still used as a living language. The word Maaloula means entrance in Aramaic. It's situated at an altitude of more than 1500 meters; with its little houses cling to the face of an enormous rock; making it look suspended in mid-air. There are two important monasteries in Maaloula: Mar Sarkis and Mar Taqla: Enter Mar Sarkis Monastery, and you will find yourself in the midst of history. This monastery was built in the 4th century on remains of a heathen temple, designed on the model of martyries, which have a simple, plain appearance. It was named after St. Sarkis, one of Syrian horsemen who fell in the reign of king Maximanus in 297. This monastery still maintains its solemn historical character. Then visit renowned Mar Taqla Monastery, along with scores of pilgrims, both Muslim and Christian, who go there to gain blessings and to make offerings; the place that holds remains of St. Taqla; daughter of one of Selucid princes, and pupil of St. Paul. Should you want to see more, there are the remains of numerous monasteries, convents, churches, shrines and sanctuaries some of which lie in ruins, while others continue to stand, defying age. This is Maaloula, the unique village, still genuine in this whole world, a magnificent plaque that contains a strange mixture of past and present, reality and legend, sanctity and beauty.

Maaloula General View

Friday, February 25, 2011


Well, I did it!  I did a whole day! 

I had a nice salad for dinner.  It was good.  I had sun dried tomatoes and olives on the salad.  I didn't find a nice dressing, so I left it off and added a little olive oil instead.

I like the fudge balls.  I tried the cheese cake at one raw resturant.  It had too much lemon.  I am thinking tomorrow, I will play with the recipe.

I had fruit salad last night.  It kept me up, I had a hard time sleeping.

If you like historical hiking, you would love the spot off of Palisades Parkway.  It is exit 5 you have the view of NY.  Now, here you walk past the cafe.  You walk down, the walkway till the end, of the border of NY.  You walk through the woods.  You will climb down past the columns and a little waterfall.  It is sucha romantic spot, you keep climbing down.  Walk on the bolders to the right and keep climbing on the bolders till you get to the million steps up.

The Palisades cafe it very nice in the winter.  One day I was sitting by the fire place, reading a book drinking hot cocoa.  The snow started coming down.  It was the huge flakes.  It was the time before cell phones, so I couldn't get the picture.  It was breathe taking.  The moment was edged into my mind.

Here are some interesting facts about the Palisades Parkway

THE PALISADES INTERSTATE PARKWAY, A NATIONAL LANDMARK: In 1998, the National Park Service nominated the Palisades Interstate Parkway in its National Register of Historic Places.

In their submission for the inclusion of the parkway in the National Register, Susan Smith, Regional Historic Restoration Coordinator for the Palisades Interstate Park Commission, and Kathleen LaFrank, Historic Preservation Resource Specialist for the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, wrote the following summary:
The Palisades Interstate Parkway is exceptionally significant in the themes of conservation, recreation, transportation and regional planning for its role in the conservation of a significant endangered landscape, the development and promotion of recreation, and regional land use planning. The parkway is also significant in the areas of architecture, landscape architecture and engineering as an outstanding example of a post-World War II limited-access, scenic pleasure drive in New York and New Jersey. The period of significance recognizes the first major donation of land for conservation and parkway purposes in 1935, the continued acquisition of additional land over the next thirteen years and the construction of the parkway between 1947and 1961.The nomination also takes in several features that pre-date the period of significance. These have significance as they were reused or reinterpreted within the context of the parkway.

The Palisades Interstate Parkway marked the completion of a progressive and influential conservation project to preserve and restore the dramatic escarpment along the lower west bank of the Hudson River. Beginning in 1900 with the formation of the Palisades Interstate Park Commission (PIPC), the states of New York and New Jersey commenced a cooperative effort to acquire and preserve a large tract of the Palisades that was threatened by quarrying operations. A small portion of the Palisades Interstate Park (approximately 3,000 acres) has been recognized as a National Historic Landmark in the theme of conservation. Over the next fifty years, the PIPC acquired nearly 60,000 acres of parkland and developed a complex, influential and nationally significant conservation and recreation program.

By the late 1920s, one of the PIPC's most important concerns was the strip of land atop the escarpment, which remained in private hands and was increasingly threatened by burgeoning suburban development in the New York City metropolitan region. Based in part on recommendations contained in the
Regional Plan for New York and Environs, a comprehensive regional planning study undertaken during the mid-1920s, the PIPC concluded that the construction of a parkway along the top of the cliffs was the most efficient, economical and permanent way to preserve and maintain the Palisades in their natural condition, "providing a convenient and safe means for people, while passing through, to see and enjoy the natural beauties without damaging that which they have come to see." Although it took the commission twenty years to acquire land and finance construction, the parkway was completed with its original goals and design standards. Described by its planners as a "continuous park" for pleasure cars, the Palisades Parkway combined conservation efforts with recreational, regional planning and transportation initiatives. The parkway provided metropolitan New Yorkers with convenient access to thousands of acres of parkland; it was planned as a major link in a recreation-transportation corridor that stretched from the southern tip of New Jersey to Bear Mountain State Park; it served to complete New York State's regional system of parks and parkways in the Hudson Valley; and it was an important regional planning initiative, encouraging orderly suburban growth while directing development away from the most fragile and scenic areas and preserving them for public benefit.

The Palisades Parkway is also an outstanding example of its type. Its design embodies the definitive characteristics of the limited-access scenic pleasure drive, repeating and improving upon the features of the parkways developed over the course of the first half of the twentieth century. The parkway is defined by restricted access, the elimination of cross traffic, a broad landscaped right-of-way, fully separated driving lanes at different elevations, generously banked curves, crisp sunken roadways defined by mountable curbs, contrasting tones and pavement and curbs, and connections to scenic and recreational attractions, both on the parkway and in the adjacent parkland. The design of the parkway is based on concepts developed by park personnel, regional planners, engineers, landscape architects and philanthropists. Among them, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. played a pivotal role in donating a significant amount of land and money, and facilitating the complex political process that brought the project to completin. Those sharing primary responsibility for developing the concept, route and design of the parkway include Major William A. Welch, a nationally known engineer and park designer who served as the PIPC's chief engineer for twenty-three years, the various planners and engineers of the Regional Plan Committee (including Jay Downer, chief engineer for the Bronx River Parkway), the well-known engineering firm of Amman and Combs, and the influential landscape architects and parkway designers Clarke, Rapuano and Holleran.

The Palisades Interstate Parkway is regarded as one of the finest examples of its type. It has been cited for its excellence by critics and historians, and has been called an "outstanding example" and a "triumph of understanding engineering� technically brilliant in design." Retaining a high level of functional and design integrity, the parkway continues to meet the goals of its designers.
This 1998 photo shows the northbound Palisades Interstate Parkway at EXIT 19 (Seven Lakes Drive) near the northern terminus at Bear Mountain, New York. (Photo by Steve Anderson.)
CURRENT AND FUTURE IMPROVMENTS: According to the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), the Palisades Interstate Parkway carries approximately 60,000 vehicles per day (AADT) through Bergen County and southern Rockland County, dropping to approximately 30,000 vehicles per day near its northern terminus. The NJDOT and the NYSDOT perform joint maintenance and construction work under the supervision of the PIPC.
Between 1999 and 2001, the NYSDOT, working under the supervision of the PIPC, rehabilitated the parkway from the New York-New Jersey border north to EXIT 10 (Rockland CR 33). The $54 million project included laying down new pavement, replacing the existing concrete ("Jersey") barriers with decorative stone-faced barriers, installing new natural-colored guardrails, and posting new MUTCD-compliant signs.

The following long-time projects have been scheduled on the Palisades Interstate Parkway:
  • Work to complete the rehabilitation of New York State's portion of the Palisades Parkway - from EXIT 10 north to the Bear Mountain Circle - will not begin until at least 2013, according to NYSDOT estimates. The $60 million project would include rehabilitation and replacement of the pavement and bridges, construction of new approaches and shoulders, relocation of drainage facilities, and additional operational and safety improvements.

  • The Port Authority still plans to build new ramps between the lower level of the George Washington Bridge and the Palisades Interstate Parkway. Currently, access to and from the parkway is only available to the upper deck of the bridge. Originally scheduled for construction between 2005 and 2009, this project has been postponed indefinitely.
  • The NYSDOT still plans to build a $6.5 million, ten-foot-wide bike path along the parkway right-of-way in Rockland County, though it was postponed from its original 2005 start date.
This 1998 photo shows an original parkway lightpost at Bear Mountain State Park. These wooden lightposts, which were used at the parkway's southern terminus and at parkway service areas, were removed in later years. (Photo by Steve Anderson.)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Ok, I have been reading.  I have gathered my recipes.  I have started my prep to get  ready..  Now, I am blogging so you the internet can help me.  I am alone on this adventure.  So, I need you.  If you are a raw vegan send me your recipes of your typical day.

Tomorrow, I will start off with fruit.  I have been eating fruit in the morning for weeks now.  Then after an hour or two, I will have a green lemonade recipe I got from a book.  It is a bit bitter for my liking, but it is like a meal, for the afternoon. 

I have a big sweet tooth.  So, I make fudge balls rolled in coconut.  I have played  with this recipe, now everyone eats them.  I mean it everyone in my family. I leave them on the table and just watch.  It would amaze you that by the end of the day they are all gone

Fudge Balls

1/2 cup walnuts
4 soft dates
3 Tablespoons cocoa
3 Tablespoons raw agave

Put the walnuts in the blender, blend until fine.  Then add the dates blend until mixed, make sure that all the dates are all chopped.  Then add the cocoa and raw agave blend until mixture in blended together until dough.   Take the daugh and roll into balls.  Take the balls and roll into coconut.   Eat

Now, let me tell you about my history adventure.

I love going through  Damascus, Syria.

This site is the easiest to find, but if you walk to fast you missed the best parts.

In the middle of Damascus you will find Suuk Hamadiah

Walk through past the shops then you look up.  Right there at the end you will find a site, that you might of missed.  It is part of the Roman times.

  Then you look to the left, and you see the French time.  You just went through history.  Now, you look forward.  You will see the Mosque, inside is filled with history and John the Baptist is buried there.

Ok, turn tomorrow and see what happened on my adventure.......